Saturday, August 13, 2011

What's Up

I'm heading off to camp tomorrow so I'll be gone, again. I've done about 4 scrapbook pages since I last posted so I'll have things to post about when I get back.  I also have a jewellery rack that I'm building but I haven't really started assembling it, or even cutting the necessary wood. That project will likely be going up as well. I also will be finishing up my 30 day song list, which took me a heck of a lot longer than 30 days.

I've also finally reached 500 page views (512 actually) and I'm quite amazed that I got as many as I did with absolutely no posting on my blog lately whatsoever. Sorry 'bout that.

However I would rather be posting worthwhile, thought out posts than something i hastily cobbled together in 5 minutes. So we'll have to wait for the time to let that happen.

Hopefully I will get back to you all soon, thank you very much for continuing to view my blog.

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